About Christus Victor Evangelical Lutheran Church

About Christus Victor Evangelical Lutheran Church

Who we are, where we came from, and where we're going!

We are a community of God’s people; called, sustained, and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament. As the body of Christ, we are obedient to Him, who is the Head, in proclaiming the kingdom of God both in words and actions.

We exist to encourage each other to grow in Christ. Through sharing the Gospel with all people. Through providing a fellowship for all Christian believers by maintaining a biblically focused Christian atmosphere by serving God and others.

Our Pastor

Reverend Joseph Christina

Pastor Joe Christina is a native of Chicagoland. He is married and has 4 children a few dogs and cats, some chickens, and a duck.

He is a graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and comes to the AALC via the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. His interests include heavy metal, Nintendo, and Vietnam-to-modern-era fighter aircraft.

He unapologetically wears shoes on the beach and is proud to call Cumberland County home!